
Community Midwifery is an out of hospital based midwifery practice located in Western Sonoma County servicing the North San Francisco Bay Area. We offer holistic reproductive care while prioritizing the co-creation of a loving container of relationship and choice. Where you and your families needs and innate knowing are listened to, held, and tended with authenticity, deep care and love.


Birth is a right of passage. Birth is a scared act of deep work that we honor and respect. In our practice we strive to support each person in gathering and accessing the tools that are best for them to draw from as you walk the ancient path of birthing and cross through the veil of becoming a parent.

Our mission is to enhance, respect and protect this journey of life for each pregnant individual by practicing from the roots and wisdoms of traditional midwifery, offering skilled relational care and listening to both you and your baby.


Pre-natal care

Prenatal care services include regular scheduled visits throughout your pregnancy . We always provide individualized support for both you and your baby with a physical assessment as well as emotional and spiritual support so that you have all you need as you embark on this powerful journey of birthing and parenting your baby.   

Learn more about pre-natal care »

Well Person Care

General well person care includes pap-smears, fertility and contraception counseling, breast and physical exams

Find out more about our full range of services here »

Homebirth services

24/7 on call for you and your baby from 37-42 weeks gestation. Skilled, loving and grounded support and guidance in the active labor phase of labor, birth, and 3-4 hours immediate postpartum. Home birth also included, facilitation of optimal newborn transition through skin-to-skin contact and keeping the mother and infant together during the postpartum period including initial newborn assessment done on mother.

More about homebirth services »

Postpartum Care

The early postpartum period is a time that the mother is orienting to the emotional, spiritual and physical changes, of becoming a new mother. It is a time that the parents are learning how to care for their newborn as well as relate as a changed family unit. Midwifery care complaints this sacred time by offering in home visits in the first six weeks after birth helping to navigate and tend through these earlier days.

More about postpartum services »


Our Practice

The birth of a baby lays at the gateway to the transformative process of parenthood. This is a profound initiation for any person and family to go through whatever baby it may be. Each one holding its own innate wisdom of life and bringing the powerful gift of full embodiment of oneself. Community Midwifery is committed to maintaining and being ushers of exactly this so that you can have the experience each growing family deserves.


“The way a culture treats women in birth is a good indicator of how well women and their contributions to society are valued and honored.”

— Ina May Gaskin, Past President of MANA

Taya Mohler

Meet your Midwife

Taya Mohler is the midwife behind Community Midwifery. Get to know her and her past experience here