Client Testimonials


I met the Incredible Taya a few months before my first child's birth, and know I have an incredible asset for all of my parenting needs in her! I had some anxiety about the birth but from the first time I met her I was immediately more at ease just knowing she would be there. I brought many questions and she met each with wisdom, compassion and assurance.  Her loving presence, embodied wisdom, and groundedness were resources I knew I could lean on through my rite of passage into Motherhood, and what abundance that she stepped easefully into other needed roles of nutritional coach, lactation specialist, and parenting expert, too! She even offers new parents and newborn classes! 
After having gone through the birth I realize even more how exquisite Taya is as a midwife. I felt held the entire time through the awe and (inner) chaos and stages of labors she helped me to surf more calmly then I could have imagined possible. I found her to be highly skilled and deeply intuitive, knowing when and how to assist or intervene. She holds her profession and the delicacy of the newborn life with true responsibility - as in - the ability to respond. And, that too, she literally responded to any texts, calls, or questions right away and with loving patience. My best friend and my mother - who were present at the birth - both commented on her excellence and on how different their birth stories would have been had they had Taya there. Indeed, having Taya there helped me feel so held and confident!  I highly and wholly recommend Taya for every Mother and Mother-To-Be, as my experience from prenatal through postpartum has been guided by this absolute Angel!   

-Kate Mayer 

Hiring Taya was such a huge part of my birth experience, I don’t even know where to begin my praise. The type of care and attention that Taya provides as a midwife is unparalleled. From the moment I contacted her, she held space for me and my journey through pregnancy and helped us prepare for our second home birth. She was always available to me, professional, kind, grounded and is a beautiful listener. She made me feel comfortable and supported immediately, and by the end of my pregnancy, she felt like family to us. Thank you so much for all you do Taya! Anyone would be lucky to have you as their care provider. 

- The Burdick Family (Paije West)

Taya guided me through the greatest transition of my life – becoming a mother. I was on the fence between a home and hospital birth for financial reasons. After my experience with Taya, there is absolutely no question in my mind that this was the right path for me – emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I needed the level of pre/post-natal care and personalized attention that only a homebirth midwife can offer, which is truly priceless.

Taya's vast knowledge of herbal medicine and Ayurveda are woven into her practice with such mastery. She offered daily lactation support when I had supply issues due to a breast reduction surgery. I was high risk for PPA/PPD, my partner was in early recovery, and I was going through intensive therapy throughout my pregnancy. Taya always held space for me and provided a deep level of emotional support. Our appointments often lasted a couple of hours. 

When my baby was born with meconium in her lungs and was struggling with her transition into the world, I looked at Taya and had complete confidence that she would be safe. It took an incredible amount of dedication and heart to build that level of trust. If I could describe Taya in one word, it would be “healer”. Through this experience, she gracefully taught me how to listen to and voice my needs, and honor and love myself. I have a beautiful healthy baby and I am a stronger woman because of this journey.

-Safia Guergah

When I became pregnant, I didn't know what lay ahead of me, but feelings of trepidation, fear, and self-protection eclipsed any joy and excitement I might have felt. I always knew I wanted to have a child, but the idea of pregnancy and delivery equally terrified me because of everything I'd absorbed: horror stories of painful tests and nasty medical interventions throughout pregnancy, as well as dramatic and scary delivery tales (including from my own mother). I wanted something different, and my intuition led me to Thrive birth center where I met Taya. I'll admit I was an anxious patient, but her calm and gentle presence always put me at ease. Taya knows her stuff. She always gave me my options, and educated me on what they meant. Most importantly of all, every time I came to her with doubts (namely, "Can I do this? Do I have what it takes?") she was able to center me and remind me that I had the strength and the intelligence to do it, that my womb was a good place, and showed me that I was already a good mother. I'm tearing up as I write this because of what it meant to me to hear that during the uncertain journey that is pregnancy. There is no way I would have gotten fierce loving care like that in a traditional OB setting, and I needed it so badly, more than I knew at the time.

That is Taya's care in a nutshell: evidence-based, and fiercely loving. The care that brought me confidently through pregnancy when I had so much fear, and allowed me to deliver my healthy baby girl quickly and safely without medication when I didn't think I could, was worth so much more than the price of her care. She gave me confidence that I could be, and already was, a mother. If you are lucky enough to be considering working with Taya, let my story convince you. Her care is a gift, and you truly deserve it.

-Gillian Benary